KaHero News: Introducing Money Manager

Importance of Money

Money is one of the most important things to have in order to live and survive in this world. It helps us get our basic human needs such us food, water, shelter, and clothing. It helps us achieve our life goals and leisure such as educational attainment, insurance, and entertainment. And because money is one of the basic necessities of survival, it is important to understand how to manage your money properly. It is our duty to be responsible with the money we earn and learn how to spend it efficiently and effectively. It is also important to know how to budget our money in order to avoid financial crisis.

Money Management

Money management is the process of tracking all your money transactions. It involves expense tracking, income tracking, investing, budgeting, and banking. It is a strategic technique to make money yield the highest interest-output value for any amount spent. It is understandable that we may have impulses to spend on luxurious things, spending money to satisfy our cravings. Money management has been developed to help us control our urges to spend on things that are not necessary to our living standards. This ideology has proven to be very helpful to many individuals, business firms, and institutions in managing the flow of money.

KaHero’s Money Manager

And with that, we proudly introduce to you our very own Money Manager! Simply manage the flow of your money and keep track of all your cash transactions, expenses and income, with the help of one app! You can add all your accounts where you store your money and you can label them accordingly such as your bank accounts, personal cash accounts, and more! Add all your expense categories to keep track of the expenses you are most likely to spend money on. Add all your income sources to keep track of where you are receiving money from. Add or create your daily, weekly, and monthly budgets and keep track of whether or not you have spent beyond your budget. Reports of all your expenditures and cash flow are available on our app to easily view for your convenience. All the tools that you need to manage your expenses are accessible in our Money Manager! With our Money Manager, you can now easily manage your money and keep track of all your expenses and income.

KaHero POS + Money Manager

One of the most important features of Money Manager is that you can connect it to your KaHero POS account. If you are a business owner, and you are using our KaHero POS, a point-of-sales system that assists your business in all your transactions, Money Manager is the perfect partner! You can now synchronize your cash sales from KaHero POS to the Money Manager. On the Money Manager app, simply create an income account or category in which your daily cash sales will immediately be added as an income transaction. It is a very useful tool to keep track of all your business expenses and monetary movement. Money Manager aims to help you keep track of all the cash movements of your business including external or personal cash transactions and aims to make your business management a more comfortable experience.

Download Money Manager

Try our Money Manager now! Download and install Money Manager on the Google Playstore through this link:


Simply login to Money Manager using your KaHero POS account to connect both applications and synchronize your sales!